John Holdren, Direktur Kantor Kebijakan Sains dan Teknologi Gedung Putih AS (L): Kita di sini untuk menerbitkan apa yang saya pikir paling baru, menyeluruh, dan berwenang terhadap dampak dari perubahan iklim bagi Amerika Serikat. Kita telah mulai merasakan efek perubahan iklim di setiap daerah dan mempengaruhi banyak aspek masyarakat dan ekonomi. Dampak ini berasal dari perubahan iklim yang terus berlangsung. Sungguh parah dampak yan ditentukan oleh tangan kita sendiri melalui pilihan yang kita buat sekarang dan tahun-tahun mendatang.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Pemanasan Global
Disusun oleh hampir 40 cendekiawan, pemerintah, dan ilmuwan institusi, laporan itu mengutip suhu yang naik dengan cepat, krisis pangan, kekeringan parah, dan bencana-bencana alam yang semakin buruk dan sering. Juga memperingatkan akan dilewatinya titik-titik kritis yang tidak bisa dihindari akan membawa perubahan yang lebih besar. Dr. Tom Karl dari Pusat Data Iklim Nasional mengatakan bahwa kita telah melewati sedikitnya salah satu titik kritis, yaitu kenaikan permukaan air laut yang tak bisa dibalikkan. Tetapi, laporan itu mengatakan masih ada harapan jika kita bertindak dengan cepat. Ilmuwan senior Dr. Jerry Melillo dari Laboratorium Biologi Laut di Massachusetts berkata, “Pengamatan Perubahan iklim yang kami laporkan bukan untuk diperdebatkan. Mereka adalah fakta-fakta yang harus kita dihadapi, (dan) kita dapat bertindak sekarang untuk menghindari dampak terburuk.”

Sudah lama saya tak bercerita mengenai sains. Kali ini mari saya berkongsi satu fakta menarik mengenai kucing!
Saya memang seorang penggemar kucing. Dari zaman kanak-kanak lagi, pasti tidak dapat beralah dari kucing! Apakan daya, gaya hidup seperti keluarga nomad dahulu tidak mengizinkan saya untuk memelihara kucing.Di sini juga, ramai sahabat-sahabat yang memelihara kucing. Saya juga ingin, namun saiz bilik yang memuatkan 2 orang manusia sahaja sudah cukup sendat, usah kepingin hendak menambah satu lagi hidupan di dalam bilik ini. Menzalimi kucing itu sahaja.
InshaAllah, tahun depan, bila sudah dapat bilik yang lebih besar, saya akan cuba memelihara kucing pula. Itu pun, bergantung kepada roomate saya lah nanti!
Rasulullah SAW menekankan pada beberapa hadis bahwa kucing tidak najis, dan menyebutnya sebagai binatang yang berkeliling di sekitar rumah. Beliau bahkan berwudhu menggunakan air bekas minuman kucing karena dianggap suci. Pertanyaan yang muncul, apakah Rasulullah SAW yang ummi (buta baca-tulis) adalah seorang dokter berpengalaman sehingga berani mengatakan bahwa kucing suci, tidak najis.Informasi ini telah dikenal dan diakui secara ilmiah. Lalu, bagaimana Rasulullah mengetahui kalau pada badan kucing tidak terdapat najis???
Fakta dan Eksperimen terkait kucing.
Dalam bahasa arab kucing dinamakan qith, sanur, dhayyun, hirr, bas (dialek penduduk syam), masy (dialek penduduk magrib), qathawah (dialek semenanjung arab). Kebiasaan kucing yang dikenal adalah membersihkan dirinya. Menurut seorang pastur pun, kucing adalah binatang yang bersih karena kegiatan hariannya adalah membersihkan diri. Tidak ada bagian tubuh kucing yang terlupakan.
Untuk kita ketahui bahwa pada kulit kucing terdapat otot yang berfungsi untuk menolak telur bakteri dan kuliat yang melindungi berbagai macam otot yang dapat menyesuaikan dengan sentuhan otot manusia.
Permukaan lidahnya tertutupi oleh berbagai benjolan kecil yang runcing berbentuk gergaji, yang sangat berguna untuk membersihkan kulit.
Kucing dilengkapi dengan alat pembersih yang paling canggih, yaitu lidah dengan permukaan kasar yang bisa membuang bulu-bulu mati dan membersihkan bulu-bulu yang tersisa di badannya.Tidak aneh jika kucing suka minum susu dengan menggunakan lidahnya. Ketika meraba lidah kucing, kita akan merasakan bahwa lidahnya ditutupi oleh berbagai benjolan yang berfungsi seperti gergaji. Sebagian orang mengira bahwa benjolan ini dipergunakan sebagai kantong kecil untuk membawa aliran susu ke mulut agar proses penelanan berlangsung sempurna. Akan tetapi, gambaran yang dapat kita ketahui sekarang ternyata tidak sama seperti fungsi lidah biasa. Semua itu berbeda dengan apa yang digambarkan oleh sebagian orang yang mengatakan bahwa kucing menggunakan lidahnya untuk minum dengan membuat perut lidah untuk membawa cairan susu. Proses seperti ini tidak menyebabkan cairan kembali ke bejana (tempat cairan).
Hasil penelitian laboratorium
Telah dilakukan berbagai penelitian terhadap kucing dari berbagai perbedaan usia, perbedaan posisi kulit, seperti punggung, bagian dalam telapak kaki, pelindung mulut, dan ekor. Pada bagian-bagian tersebut dilakukan pengambilan sample dengan usapan. Disamping itu, dilakukan juga penanaman kuman pada bagian-bagian khusus. Selain itu, diambil juga cairan khusus yang ada pada dinding dalam mulut dan mengusap lidah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di rumah sakit Hamdan dan Rumah sakit Yaman di Damaskus. Adapun hasil yang didapatkan adalah :
1. Hasil yang diambil dari kulit luar ternyata negatif, meskipun dilakukan berulang-ulang.
2. Perbandingan yang ditanamkan memberikan hasil negatif sekitar 80% jika dilihat dari cairan yang diambil dari dinding mulut.
3. Cairan yang diambil dari permukaan lidah memberikan hasil negatif.
4. Kuman yang ditemukan saat proses penelitian dilakukan berasal dari kelompok kuman yang dianggap sebagai kuman biasa yang berkembang pada tubuh manusia dalam jumlah terbatas seperti enterobacter, streptococcus, dan taphylococcus. Jumlahnya kurang dari 50 ribu pertumbuhan.
5. Tidak ditemukan kelompok kuman yang beragam.
Berbagai sumber yang dapat dipercaya dan hasil penelitian laboratorium menyimpulkan bahwa kucing tidak memiliki kuman dan mikroba. Liurnya bersih dan membersihkan.
Komentar Para dokter yang bergelut dalam bidang kuman.
Menurut Dr.George Maqshud, ketua laboratorium di Rumah sakit Hewan Baitharah, jarang sekali ditemukan adanya kuman pada lidah kucing. Jika kuman itu ada, maka kucing itu akan sakit.
Setelah melakukan penelitian terhadap berbagai cairan untuk membandingkan liur manusia , anjing dan kucing, Dr.Gen Gustafin menemukan bahwa kuman yang paling banyak terdapat pada anjing, kemudian manusia memiliki seperempat dari anjing, lalu pada kucing terdapat setengah dari kuman manusia. Dokter hewan di RS hewan damaskus, Said Rafah menegaskan bahwa kucing memiliki perangkat pembersih yang bernama lysozyme.
Kucing tidak menyukai air, karena air tempat yang sangat subur untuk tumbuhnya bakteri, terlebih pada air yang tergenang. Kucing menjaga kestabilan kehangatan tubuhnya. Ia menjauh dari panas matahari, tidak dekat dengan air. Tujuannya supaya bakteri tidak berpindah kepadanya. Inilah yang menjadi faktor tidak adanya kuman pada tubuh kucing. (Pembahasan ini ada dalam kajian fikih Al-Syafii dengan kaidah ”kering yang bersih”)
Mukjizat pada hadis Nabi;.
Sisa makanan kucing hukumnya suci. Hadis Kabsyah binti Ka’b bin Malik menceritakan bahwa abu Qatadah, mertua Kabsyah, masuk rumahnya. Lalu Ia menuangkan air untuk wadhu. Pada saat itu datang seekor kucing yang ingin minum. Lantas Ia menuangkan air ke bejana sampai kucing itu minum. Kabsyah berkata, ”Perhatikanlah”. Abu Qatadah berktata,”Apakah kamu heran?”. Is menjawab,”Ya’. Lalu Abu Qatadah berkata bahwa Nabi pernah bersabda,”Kucing itu tidak najis. Ia binatang yang suka berkeliling dalam rumah (binantang rumahan),” (HR Al Tirmidzi, Al Nasa’i, Abu Dawud dan Ibnu Majah).
Diriwayatkan dari Ali bin Al Hasan, dari Anas yang menceritakan bahwa Nabi SAW pergi ke Bathan suatu daerah di Madinah. Lalu Beliau berkata,”Ya Anas, tuangkan air wudhu untukku ke dalam bejana”. Lalu Anas menuangkan air. Ketika sudah selesai, Nabi menuju bejana. Namun seekeor kucing datang dan menjilati bejana. Melihat itu, Nabi berhenti sampai kucing tersebut berhenti minum lalu berwudhu. Nabi ditanya mengenai hal tersebut dan Beliau menjawab,”Ya Anas, kucing termasuk perhiasan rumah tangga, ia tidak dikotori sesuatu, bahkan tidak ada najis.”
Diriwayatkan dari Abu Qatadah RA, yang mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda tentang kucing, ”Ia tidak najis. Ia binatang yang sering keliling diantara kalian.” Hadis ini diriwayatkan oleh Malik, Ahmad dan imam hadis lain. Oleh karena itu kucing adalah binatang yang badan, keringat, bekas dan sisa makanannya suci (Lih. Ibnu Taimiiyah , Syarh Jawami’ al Akhbar, dengan komentar dari Syaikh Abdurrahman bin Nashir Al-Barrak.)
Aisyah pernah melihat nabi berwudhu dari sisa jilatan kucing. (HR. Al Baihaqi, Abd Razzaq, dan Daruquthni)
Sisi kemukjizatan.
Dari hasil penelitian kedokteran dan percobaab yang telah dilakukan di laboratorium khusus hewan , ditemukan bahwa badan kucing bersih secara keseluruhan.Bahkan ia lebih bersih dari manusia. Allah SWT membekali kucibng dengan otot yang melindungi kulitnya dari kuman.
Dari hadist-hadist tersebut jelaslah bahwa ketika nabi mengatakan bahwa kucing itu suci, kemudian wudhu dengannya, nabi menunjukan kepada kita tentang sucinya kucing. SUBHANALLAH, bagaimana mungkin nabi mengetahui bahwa kucing tidak najis tnanpa melakukan penelitian ilmiah.???
Semua itu tidak akan terjadi jikka ia bukan seorang utusan Allah yang tidak pernah berbicara menggunakan nafsu. Mahabenar Allah ketika berfirman
”Tiadalah yang diucapkannya itu menurut kemauan hawa nafsunya, Ucapannya itu tiada lain hanyalah wahyu yang di wahyukan (kepadanya)”. ( QS.Al-Najm (53):3-4)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
spider bites symptoms

Aug 7, 08:07 PM
How about a 23" or 30" iMac?

Apr 26, 03:58 PM
And yet the entire Android platform generates less revenue in a year than iTunes does in a single quarter.
The iPhone and iOS have never been lost leaders used to gain market share so Apple could have more eye-balls looking at search ads. Android is a trojan horse to expand PPC revenues as rapidly as possible; the public potshots about "open" and "curated" are just a distraction while Google fosters an increasingly fragmented ecosystem that encourages users to treat Android phones like disposables to be replaced with the newest shinny bobble from HTC, Motorolla, Nokia, Samsung every 8 months. The only winners in the Android hardware/OS race are the carriers and the manufacturers who can count on the vast majority of Android users to upgrade two or three times more often than iOS users, each replacement extending their contract and extracting revenue on non upgradable, but incrementally better handsets.
The iPhone and iOS have never been lost leaders used to gain market share so Apple could have more eye-balls looking at search ads. Android is a trojan horse to expand PPC revenues as rapidly as possible; the public potshots about "open" and "curated" are just a distraction while Google fosters an increasingly fragmented ecosystem that encourages users to treat Android phones like disposables to be replaced with the newest shinny bobble from HTC, Motorolla, Nokia, Samsung every 8 months. The only winners in the Android hardware/OS race are the carriers and the manufacturers who can count on the vast majority of Android users to upgrade two or three times more often than iOS users, each replacement extending their contract and extracting revenue on non upgradable, but incrementally better handsets.

Aug 2, 03:59 PM
How can we get a hold of that keynote that Macrummors said will cover?
The main page transforms, via dark magic, into a of constantly updated text portal.
Legend has it that one MR member gets sucked into the swirling portal of dark magic and is trapped in a parallel universe for eternity.
This happens once per keynote.
The main page transforms, via dark magic, into a of constantly updated text portal.
Legend has it that one MR member gets sucked into the swirling portal of dark magic and is trapped in a parallel universe for eternity.
This happens once per keynote.

May 6, 03:15 AM
So many negative opinions but you may not know that ARM architecture is much more advanced then x86. Why do you think Windows 8 will support it? Because it's a future of home computing. And I'm not suprised that Apple considering it too.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a macbook pro twice as slimmer then 2011 model and that runs as long as iPad no matter what tasks you do?
And after all - why end users even care about CPU architecture? Do you think of your existing computer "Good, that the CPU is x86 based" every day? :)
Wouldn't it be nice to have a macbook pro twice as slimmer then 2011 model and that runs as long as iPad no matter what tasks you do?
And after all - why end users even care about CPU architecture? Do you think of your existing computer "Good, that the CPU is x86 based" every day? :)

Aug 7, 08:18 PM
I can't wait until I have the money for one of these.:rolleyes:
Anyway, I am surprised that they were announced so early during the keynote.
Anyway, I am surprised that they were announced so early during the keynote.

May 4, 03:40 PM
Fine. Seems like a logical move, but if Apple wants me to foot part of the bill for distributing their software (via my paid Internet connection) then I certainly expect a significant cut in the cost of the upgrade.
If you drive to the store to buy it instead, should they pay for your gas?
If you order it online, should they pay you for the bit of bandwidth that you used up in placing your order?
Maybe you'll be eco-friendly and walk to the store instead? Bill 'em for new soles on your shoes!
If you drive to the store to buy it instead, should they pay for your gas?
If you order it online, should they pay you for the bit of bandwidth that you used up in placing your order?
Maybe you'll be eco-friendly and walk to the store instead? Bill 'em for new soles on your shoes!

Jul 21, 05:57 PM
(iMac is a little too "white" for my taste)
Racist. :p
Kidding. I'm think they'll go with a high end black model eventually. Maybe give it a better video card or something to justify another hundred bucks or so. I'm hoping they do the same with the MacBooks. Maybe a new lowend pro, or a high end nonpro with a built-in video card. That would justify a $1500 purchase over a $1000 one to me.
Racist. :p
Kidding. I'm think they'll go with a high end black model eventually. Maybe give it a better video card or something to justify another hundred bucks or so. I'm hoping they do the same with the MacBooks. Maybe a new lowend pro, or a high end nonpro with a built-in video card. That would justify a $1500 purchase over a $1000 one to me.

Apr 18, 03:40 PM
So devoid of innovation that everyone has basically copied the iPad and iPhone's OS and product design over the last 3 1/2 years.
The OS, sure. Samsung made that look VERY close to iOS.
The product design at Apple, however is just reinterpreted stuff from Dieter Rams. Products that function well start to look similar for a reason, though. If it ain't broke....
The OS, sure. Samsung made that look VERY close to iOS.
The product design at Apple, however is just reinterpreted stuff from Dieter Rams. Products that function well start to look similar for a reason, though. If it ain't broke....

Mar 27, 01:05 AM
I'm starting to wonder if a Iphone 5 is even going to come out this year i mean with the Verizon IPhone launched in February "kinda close to June - July IMO" so they might wait tell june of next year where we get AT&T and a Verizon IPhone upgrades.
just my thoughts on it. of course Apple is a secret company so we won't know tell it happens:)
There will be a new iPhone during calendar 2011
just my thoughts on it. of course Apple is a secret company so we won't know tell it happens:)
There will be a new iPhone during calendar 2011

Apr 7, 10:29 AM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)
iPad 3 to be a small update like iPad 2? I wouldn't doubt it with the lack of competition.
iPad 3 to be a small update like iPad 2? I wouldn't doubt it with the lack of competition.

Apr 26, 02:29 PM
For once, I'd like to see a pie chart that includes iPod Touch and iPad, which also run iOS. What's the Android device equivalent of the iPod touch?
We won't see that pie chart as it would make Android look pretty bad. Oh wait, we saw it yesterday. If you compare Android to iOS then iOS has 59% of the market.
We won't see that pie chart as it would make Android look pretty bad. Oh wait, we saw it yesterday. If you compare Android to iOS then iOS has 59% of the market.

Jason Beck
May 6, 07:03 AM
AMD is currently a bang for buck chip maker, I doubt you'll see them CPUs in Apple products. Plus until Fusion develops some more the thermal envelope isn't too good.
Yep. That's the truth :(
Yep. That's the truth :(

Mar 28, 10:11 AM
So your attitude is "if I can't have it, I don't want anyone to have it."?
Whether it comes out or not, you won't be getting one. So why would it matter either way?
He was joking. lighten up.
Whether it comes out or not, you won't be getting one. So why would it matter either way?
He was joking. lighten up.

Sep 16, 11:20 AM
Give us back the 12". It�s all I'm asking.
Exactly...a 12 incher with Core 2 Duo, backlit keyboard and a reasonable GPU is all I need...nothing really fancy.
Exactly...a 12 incher with Core 2 Duo, backlit keyboard and a reasonable GPU is all I need...nothing really fancy.

Jul 30, 01:06 AM
Bring it on Apple!
My Verizon contract expires in February. I'll be glad to dump then in favor to the iphone.
My Verizon contract expires in February. I'll be glad to dump then in favor to the iphone.

Apr 10, 02:01 PM
The official Mac answer is: 2
We are at MacRumors! Finder says 2, that's why we should accept 2.
We are at MacRumors! Finder says 2, that's why we should accept 2.

Jul 30, 11:48 AM
Me thinks WWDC will be great for us. Apple only presents max 3 major items on a keynote and has now already introduced, more series on iTunes, the educational iMac and a wireless mouse. So greater (pro?) news must be ready for the conference.

Apr 25, 09:35 AM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)
"As many observers have noted, the iOS location database does not record exact GPS data, instead seeking to pinpoint the locations of Wi-Fi access points and cell towers that the device comes within range of"
So what's all the fuss over? It shows what cell towers you were near. OMG!!
"As many observers have noted, the iOS location database does not record exact GPS data, instead seeking to pinpoint the locations of Wi-Fi access points and cell towers that the device comes within range of"
So what's all the fuss over? It shows what cell towers you were near. OMG!!

Mar 27, 08:32 AM
Don't know if this is true, but IF Apple was to "delay" an iOS 5 release, they would start leaking those plans now.
Jul 29, 09:23 PM
I'd buy in a second, even if I had a Razr.
i think i'll buy a Macbook instead
i think i'll buy a Macbook instead
Apr 23, 06:21 PM
Bogus story because Apple would never fit graphics cards capable of outputting at that res in the iMacs or laptops. Plus I don't think any single monitor can have that resolution that you can buy today?
Do you understand technology?
Do you understand technology?
May 6, 05:57 AM
My bet is they have BOTH on board.
Except your laptop would probably die in 4-5 hours. You'd have to have two complete logic boards unless you do some crazy never before done voodoo with multi-architecture components? Who knows.
Except your laptop would probably die in 4-5 hours. You'd have to have two complete logic boards unless you do some crazy never before done voodoo with multi-architecture components? Who knows.
Mar 30, 07:00 AM
I'd pay a premium for products manufactured in the US.
Products might be more expensive, but there would be more Americans employed. As much are there is a downside to producing here, there is also an upside.
Are you willing to pay significantly more?
Products might be more expensive, but there would be more Americans employed. As much are there is a downside to producing here, there is also an upside.
Are you willing to pay significantly more?
May 7, 01:43 PM
Having used MobileMe to keep my iPhone, iMac, Macbook and work iMac in sync, I pretty much can't live without it.
With it, I know if I plug something into my calendar with an alert on it, it will definitely pop up (multiple times and in multiple places, often to my annoyance). I can also quickly keep all my dashboard widgets, bookmarks and everything else in sync. Walking into the Apple store, upgrading my iPhone and having practically my whole phone (minus the apps) synced up by the time I get back to the car is definitely nice as well.
Of course, I know people's individual mileage may vary.
With it, I know if I plug something into my calendar with an alert on it, it will definitely pop up (multiple times and in multiple places, often to my annoyance). I can also quickly keep all my dashboard widgets, bookmarks and everything else in sync. Walking into the Apple store, upgrading my iPhone and having practically my whole phone (minus the apps) synced up by the time I get back to the car is definitely nice as well.
Of course, I know people's individual mileage may vary.
free happy easter images

Aug 2, 04:01 PM

Mar 27, 01:01 AM
I'm starting to wonder if a Iphone 5 is even going to come out this year i mean with the Verizon IPhone launched in February "kinda close to June - July IMO" so they might wait tell june of next year where we get AT&T and a Verizon IPhone upgrades.
just my thoughts on it. of course Apple is a secret company so we won't know tell it happens:)
just my thoughts on it. of course Apple is a secret company so we won't know tell it happens:)

Apr 21, 03:44 PM
I know many professional situations where a Mac Pro would be ideal as a rack mountable unit.
Recording studio, on location video production (DIT), and studio based post-production rigs, basically places where other equipment is racked, may need to be secured, cooled, power conditioned, or in mobile racks. Rack mounting in not only for servers.
And how do you operate it? A server can be accessed from a workstation but a Mac Pro IS a workstation, it's not a server. It's not a logical step. I have a professional photographer in the family, with a Mac Pro. He needs to load his RAWs onto his Mac for post processing. How to do this if that Mac is in another room, in a rack :confused: Very inconvenient if you ask me.
Recording studio, on location video production (DIT), and studio based post-production rigs, basically places where other equipment is racked, may need to be secured, cooled, power conditioned, or in mobile racks. Rack mounting in not only for servers.
And how do you operate it? A server can be accessed from a workstation but a Mac Pro IS a workstation, it's not a server. It's not a logical step. I have a professional photographer in the family, with a Mac Pro. He needs to load his RAWs onto his Mac for post processing. How to do this if that Mac is in another room, in a rack :confused: Very inconvenient if you ask me.

May 4, 03:07 PM
Since when is an operating system an "app"?

Aug 4, 05:26 PM
1 - This is nothing new, and Apple is just being honest...the PB 12 and 15 were famous leg toasters as well...the times of the cool G3 are over long ago.
2 - it's at least 3 similar PC notebook does that...and the G4 wasnt better either.
3 - more space, perhaps?
Well this depends upon which G4 PB you compare it to.
I have the last PB G4 revision 17 inch. It runs comforably cool and I easily get 5+ hours of battery life under normal use. I don't even use the power saving functions. I usually run my display brightness about 3/4 of the way up.
I play DVD movies quite often and I can play two back to back 2 hour movies before my batteries need recharging.
2 - it's at least 3 similar PC notebook does that...and the G4 wasnt better either.
3 - more space, perhaps?
Well this depends upon which G4 PB you compare it to.
I have the last PB G4 revision 17 inch. It runs comforably cool and I easily get 5+ hours of battery life under normal use. I don't even use the power saving functions. I usually run my display brightness about 3/4 of the way up.
I play DVD movies quite often and I can play two back to back 2 hour movies before my batteries need recharging.

Apr 10, 11:21 AM

Mar 29, 03:05 PM
ah nothing like starting the day with a bit of ignorance. :cool:
+1 to some reality check.
This thread shows a lot of over simplification of how economies works and what is actually causing job loses.
+1 to some reality check.
This thread shows a lot of over simplification of how economies works and what is actually causing job loses.

Mar 31, 07:22 AM
Does anyone know if you can now print highlighted text like you can in Windows? Since they're adding the age old full-screen window feature, I think this feature would also be a welcome addition.

May 6, 07:46 AM
Can always have a system with ARM AND x86 CPUs.
And intel could make both of them for Apple.
Replace the chipset with an A6 that can run standalone in low demand workflows and seamless switch on CPU or and gpu as demand picks up.
And intel could make both of them for Apple.
Replace the chipset with an A6 that can run standalone in low demand workflows and seamless switch on CPU or and gpu as demand picks up.

Don't panic
May 3, 01:16 PM
still more questions:
is it possible for a fight to end with both monsters and heroes in the room? (this will depend on how you organize the HP/AP)
what happens next? another battle the next turn/round? can the heroes run? can the monster be re-located by the villain?
can the healing treasure bring HP to be higher than the level (e.g, if i am level 3, with 1HP left, I am alone and I find the healing treasure, do i go to 3HP, to 6HP or is it like a flask that i can use in part and in part save/share later)?
can the villain put traps in already explored rooms?
would 'explore' also find secret doors if any?
is it possible for a fight to end with both monsters and heroes in the room? (this will depend on how you organize the HP/AP)
what happens next? another battle the next turn/round? can the heroes run? can the monster be re-located by the villain?
can the healing treasure bring HP to be higher than the level (e.g, if i am level 3, with 1HP left, I am alone and I find the healing treasure, do i go to 3HP, to 6HP or is it like a flask that i can use in part and in part save/share later)?
can the villain put traps in already explored rooms?
would 'explore' also find secret doors if any?

Jimmy James
Mar 29, 11:28 AM
This pay-per-use cloud accessible storage seems to be a good idea only as a supplement to on-board device storage.
Ownership of data is a concern. If I buy music through the cloud service does that affect my ownership of the music/data? Can I download the music to my hard drive and have unrestricted access to it after I cancel my cloud subscription? At that point, why would I want to continue paying for service for something I already have in my possession. And why not have the option of streaming this data from my own computer on which it's already contained and for which I already pay to have internet bandwidth (I realize that some people may have very limited bandwidth allowance)? If I'm only going to be keeping a small percentage of my audio online then it's one more thing to keep track of and manage. If I keep everything on the cloud then I'm paying a substantial monthly fee that annually could pay for a lot more memory on my device in the first place. Problem solved.
I just returned from an international trip. When I travel is typically when I use my iDevice most often. Music in the rental car, watching videos during down time or travel time. Expensive, bandwidth hungry cloud data is not an option [for me] when traveling internationally. I also take long road trips with a significant amount of time spent outside of service areas.
Too many downsides. Too many apparent restrictions.
Ownership of data is a concern. If I buy music through the cloud service does that affect my ownership of the music/data? Can I download the music to my hard drive and have unrestricted access to it after I cancel my cloud subscription? At that point, why would I want to continue paying for service for something I already have in my possession. And why not have the option of streaming this data from my own computer on which it's already contained and for which I already pay to have internet bandwidth (I realize that some people may have very limited bandwidth allowance)? If I'm only going to be keeping a small percentage of my audio online then it's one more thing to keep track of and manage. If I keep everything on the cloud then I'm paying a substantial monthly fee that annually could pay for a lot more memory on my device in the first place. Problem solved.
I just returned from an international trip. When I travel is typically when I use my iDevice most often. Music in the rental car, watching videos during down time or travel time. Expensive, bandwidth hungry cloud data is not an option [for me] when traveling internationally. I also take long road trips with a significant amount of time spent outside of service areas.
Too many downsides. Too many apparent restrictions.

Apr 7, 11:57 AM
The last part was about the next revolutionary product.
Don't think they will be complacent, but most likely without Steve Jobs they'll have a harder time.
As far as complaining about C2D, MBP res, etc. , add Blue Ray that's never an issue for me.
I don't buy any Apple product until I check out it's what I want or it's close enough to jump.
I was on the sidelines until 3rd gen ipod, on the sidelines until MBP's fell into my price range ( I like to buy one generation back), and currently on the sidelines until ipad 3 or 4 as well as iphone 5 or 6.
Good things come to those who wait. (I am from a generation that can wait without withdrawal symptoms)
I never would suggest that Apple is going to tank/go back to HP manufactured iPod
I just want other companies to succeed, if only to make my Apple products that much better. For instance, Id love to see the iP5 have a 4inch screen (im sure many disagree)...that could be a possibility because of some HTC success (Evo, Inspire...etc). BTW: Glad to hear youre a very contemplative buyer, it always pays off. Stay well friend, have a wonderful day.
Don't think they will be complacent, but most likely without Steve Jobs they'll have a harder time.
As far as complaining about C2D, MBP res, etc. , add Blue Ray that's never an issue for me.
I don't buy any Apple product until I check out it's what I want or it's close enough to jump.
I was on the sidelines until 3rd gen ipod, on the sidelines until MBP's fell into my price range ( I like to buy one generation back), and currently on the sidelines until ipad 3 or 4 as well as iphone 5 or 6.
Good things come to those who wait. (I am from a generation that can wait without withdrawal symptoms)
I never would suggest that Apple is going to tank/go back to HP manufactured iPod
I just want other companies to succeed, if only to make my Apple products that much better. For instance, Id love to see the iP5 have a 4inch screen (im sure many disagree)...that could be a possibility because of some HTC success (Evo, Inspire...etc). BTW: Glad to hear youre a very contemplative buyer, it always pays off. Stay well friend, have a wonderful day.

Apr 21, 04:03 PM
As an MP owner it of course sounds great to me. I really get sick hearing about iToys, some of which I own and love. If Apple would produce both the traditional Mac Pro and a rack mount version each configured to their specific duties that would be the best. As a mat screen user it's either Mac Pro, Mac mini or Windows for me. In spite of the fact that Windows 7 is pretty great to use I'd MUCH, MUCH rather stay with Mac.

Mar 29, 03:18 PM
I agree. Given the last Ford we purchased leaked and after 6 months of trying to fix it, the Ford dealer said "well, everything leaks" and said they'd give a good deal on it to trade it in if we wanted. And the last GM we had stalled every morning when you were pulling out on to the road and the dealer said that it was "just the way the car was made," and could never fix it I wouldn't buy an American made car unless they started getting good reports both for quality upfront (they just sound cheap compared to a Honda, Mercedes, Lexus, Porsche, or Toyota) and for quality over 5-6+ years of ownership. And the previous American made cars we had were of similar low quality.
So for the last 11 years, I've been buying non-American. It is too bad, but the quality is not there. I even looked at one with a friend in November and it was the same deal.
An iPhone made in the US would be double the price due to high taxes and regulation. Quality, who knows, but the cost would be prohibitive compared to everyone else. It would be the fastest way for Apple to kill itself. If Apple *could* do it, they would, but it is impossible.
It is competition - if you can't compete on quality or price, you are out of luck. Unless you can get a handout.
Yes, clearly because labor unions ruined Ford and GM, that means ALL American products are garbage. Including Apple, Google, Oracle, Cisco, Boeing. All of them. Brilliant logic there, genius.
So for the last 11 years, I've been buying non-American. It is too bad, but the quality is not there. I even looked at one with a friend in November and it was the same deal.
An iPhone made in the US would be double the price due to high taxes and regulation. Quality, who knows, but the cost would be prohibitive compared to everyone else. It would be the fastest way for Apple to kill itself. If Apple *could* do it, they would, but it is impossible.
It is competition - if you can't compete on quality or price, you are out of luck. Unless you can get a handout.
Yes, clearly because labor unions ruined Ford and GM, that means ALL American products are garbage. Including Apple, Google, Oracle, Cisco, Boeing. All of them. Brilliant logic there, genius.

Jul 30, 03:23 AM
If Apple get it right it will be the fashion phone of choice.
What will be really great is that, in addition to the above, something that is the critical factor as it was with iPod, it will also sync beautifully with Apple contacts, calendars, etc., driving more people to purchase Apple computers, even though I do expect that they will also bundle a nice piece of Windows software (a must).
Apples are already climbing in sales and many of my Windows-using friends are considering Macs for the first time now, not because of all the stuff endlessly debated here, but rather because the iMac and MacBooks are so bitchin'.
Steve Jobs is indeed finally capitalizing on "taste", an obcession of his from the early days. He was right when he said in the 80s that "the problem with Microsoft is that they have no taste. I mean that in a big sense." Now his company is poised to take a large portion of Microsoft's sales by exploiting that vulnerability.
People aren't realizing that OS X is better. They are falling in love with the new stylish Macs, obscure objects of desire. The fact that they are getting better and better, and that they are making a line of easily interoperable products (much more of this to come in the coming 12 months - media center, phone, and maybe even a UPMC) that just make life easier is just a plus that will help to sustain the brand.
Sharp. LOL.
What will be really great is that, in addition to the above, something that is the critical factor as it was with iPod, it will also sync beautifully with Apple contacts, calendars, etc., driving more people to purchase Apple computers, even though I do expect that they will also bundle a nice piece of Windows software (a must).
Apples are already climbing in sales and many of my Windows-using friends are considering Macs for the first time now, not because of all the stuff endlessly debated here, but rather because the iMac and MacBooks are so bitchin'.
Steve Jobs is indeed finally capitalizing on "taste", an obcession of his from the early days. He was right when he said in the 80s that "the problem with Microsoft is that they have no taste. I mean that in a big sense." Now his company is poised to take a large portion of Microsoft's sales by exploiting that vulnerability.
People aren't realizing that OS X is better. They are falling in love with the new stylish Macs, obscure objects of desire. The fact that they are getting better and better, and that they are making a line of easily interoperable products (much more of this to come in the coming 12 months - media center, phone, and maybe even a UPMC) that just make life easier is just a plus that will help to sustain the brand.
Sharp. LOL.

Adidas Addict
Apr 20, 04:42 AM
�499 for a white iPhone 5 and you can count me in, again. I've just sold my iPhone 4.
Now to carry on avoiding all the Verizon/AT&T nonsense on here. :rolleyes:
Now to carry on avoiding all the Verizon/AT&T nonsense on here. :rolleyes:

May 4, 03:42 PM
what makes you think that you can copy it to a USB drive or disc? I have disc for Tiger, Leopard, and Snow Leopard. None of those disc can be copied, some of them can only be used on their original machine (or the exact model). the past 3 OSes can't be copied, and so far there's nothing to suggest we can just make backup copies of Lion.
Oh really? (
As an aside: The disks that only work with one computer are the ones that ship with new macs. No upgrade* disks sold in the Apple Store have that restriction, and there's no reason to assume the mac app store would be any different.
*The "upgrade" disks are full installs, but since the only legal way to install OSX is to install it on a mac that already came with a version of OSX, all standalone disks are technically upgrades.
Oh really? (
As an aside: The disks that only work with one computer are the ones that ship with new macs. No upgrade* disks sold in the Apple Store have that restriction, and there's no reason to assume the mac app store would be any different.
*The "upgrade" disks are full installs, but since the only legal way to install OSX is to install it on a mac that already came with a version of OSX, all standalone disks are technically upgrades.

Mar 30, 09:11 PM
Any word on the updated OpenGL support?

Apr 26, 03:46 PM
Android has two clubs
Non iPhone market: free phones and $50 dollar phones
iPhone competitors: $200 phones: HTC Evo, Droid Incredible, etc..
I'd like to see a breakdown of Android by these metrics.
Take all the MetroPCS and Free junk out of the stats and lets see whose premium offerings are reigning supreme.
We can take out the 3GS to make everything "equal".
Non iPhone market: free phones and $50 dollar phones
iPhone competitors: $200 phones: HTC Evo, Droid Incredible, etc..
I'd like to see a breakdown of Android by these metrics.
Take all the MetroPCS and Free junk out of the stats and lets see whose premium offerings are reigning supreme.
We can take out the 3GS to make everything "equal".
Sep 15, 04:56 PM
The MBP already feels like its about to literally melt on my desk now, and that's with the 31W Core Duo.
I think they should stick an old "Prescot" chip in and do a live webcast of a macbook pro liquidate itself!
:D Cool!
Liquid laptops! Literally! :p
I think they should stick an old "Prescot" chip in and do a live webcast of a macbook pro liquidate itself!
:D Cool!
Liquid laptops! Literally! :p
Aug 2, 06:20 PM
I agree with you that the 30" display is big. I disagree with you about any larger display as being too big. It may be for you but not for others. When I first starting using my 30" display besides my 23" display I thought it was big. Using it with my 17" PowerBook even makes it seem bigger. But the only thing that could hold me back from purchasing a larger display would be the need of purchasing a new computer to be able to use 2 larger screens at the same time. My 17" PowerBook can only use one. My MDD PowerMac can only use one. But that is really a different question.
Many people seem to have tunnel vision when they use their computers & are or at least think they are happy with one 15" display. Others can see the need & usefulness of a larger display. At least you use a 30". But if Apple would have come out with a 32", 35" or larger display instead would you have purchased it the same as you did your 30" model? Then it would take a 40" or 45" display to be too larger.
With DualLink only able to support 3840 X 2400 & Single Link only able to support up to 1920 X 1200, there will be a natural size limitation until one of the new systems come around. The need probably isn't there yet, but a couple more size and/or reolution increases would change all of that.
How long do you think it will be before someone else says that his 45" display is all the larger anyone would ever need, so why make one larger? Whan I sold computers many thought that the 17" CRT was too larger, why go larger than 15"?
Bill the TaxMan
I completely get what you're saying. After using my 30" for a little over a year on a daily basis, when using any other system, it's VERY tough. And even when I am using my 30", I often crave even more real estate, especially when working with digital photos, but even when I'm just surfing the web.
But, at this point in time (2006), I think a 40"+ screen is just simply too large for the average deskspace. Perhaps there's a place for them in production studios, etc., but even with that market, which is already limited, cost is just too big of a factor. To make a panel @ 40" with a resolution of 3840x2400, or even smaller, would be ASTRONOMICAL. We're talking at least $6K for each display, and the power needed to run that doesn't yet exist. Even Quad-SLI on PC's are having trouble running games at native res. Imagine Motion (since we all know OS X isn't a gaming platform) at 3840x2400? The power just isn't there yet.
Now, I agree, larger screens are the way of the future. But I just don't think that future is here yet.
Then again, $20 says I'm wrong :).
Many people seem to have tunnel vision when they use their computers & are or at least think they are happy with one 15" display. Others can see the need & usefulness of a larger display. At least you use a 30". But if Apple would have come out with a 32", 35" or larger display instead would you have purchased it the same as you did your 30" model? Then it would take a 40" or 45" display to be too larger.
With DualLink only able to support 3840 X 2400 & Single Link only able to support up to 1920 X 1200, there will be a natural size limitation until one of the new systems come around. The need probably isn't there yet, but a couple more size and/or reolution increases would change all of that.
How long do you think it will be before someone else says that his 45" display is all the larger anyone would ever need, so why make one larger? Whan I sold computers many thought that the 17" CRT was too larger, why go larger than 15"?
Bill the TaxMan
I completely get what you're saying. After using my 30" for a little over a year on a daily basis, when using any other system, it's VERY tough. And even when I am using my 30", I often crave even more real estate, especially when working with digital photos, but even when I'm just surfing the web.
But, at this point in time (2006), I think a 40"+ screen is just simply too large for the average deskspace. Perhaps there's a place for them in production studios, etc., but even with that market, which is already limited, cost is just too big of a factor. To make a panel @ 40" with a resolution of 3840x2400, or even smaller, would be ASTRONOMICAL. We're talking at least $6K for each display, and the power needed to run that doesn't yet exist. Even Quad-SLI on PC's are having trouble running games at native res. Imagine Motion (since we all know OS X isn't a gaming platform) at 3840x2400? The power just isn't there yet.
Now, I agree, larger screens are the way of the future. But I just don't think that future is here yet.
Then again, $20 says I'm wrong :).
Apr 7, 10:51 AM
Deep pockets alone are not enough ... you also need some strategic planing to know ahead what you need and make sure that you get it.
All hail Tim Cook!
Seriously though, I think people are going to be surprised at how well RIM rebounds. Not that they are going to stop or even slow the iPad or iPhone train, but I will surprised if they don't carve themselves out a pretty good niche.
They're a much more resilient company than that for which they are given credit. Do some serious research into the company as though you were looking to invest, and you'll find out that they got a little too complacent for a time, but they have some vision that will surprise people in the coming years.
All hail Tim Cook!
Seriously though, I think people are going to be surprised at how well RIM rebounds. Not that they are going to stop or even slow the iPad or iPhone train, but I will surprised if they don't carve themselves out a pretty good niche.
They're a much more resilient company than that for which they are given credit. Do some serious research into the company as though you were looking to invest, and you'll find out that they got a little too complacent for a time, but they have some vision that will surprise people in the coming years.
Aug 7, 06:52 PM
this may be a dumb ? but . . .
as far as the empty drive bay, i already have a pionner 109 superdrive i bought for my old powermac g4. would that be compatible?
as far as the empty drive bay, i already have a pionner 109 superdrive i bought for my old powermac g4. would that be compatible?
Apr 5, 03:46 PM
Well Cydia is like being a virgin then having sex with a whore then getting STDs that constantly slow down your OS. It might be good in the short term, but you'll have to work hard to keep the swelling down with various lotions and creams. But unlike STDs, you can revert to a clean version of the OS anytime you want. :P
And apple has nothing to do with iOS slow downs? What happens when you run iOS 4 on your iphone 3g? Cydia isnt the only culprit of that (if it is at all). Plus the benefits are long term. See my previous post about examples of what you can do with your phone if its jailbroken.
Plus i would venture that most people would rather have sex throughout their lives and deal with the risk of an occasional STD than to be a lifelong virgin. Take a look at the human race for evidence.
And apple has nothing to do with iOS slow downs? What happens when you run iOS 4 on your iphone 3g? Cydia isnt the only culprit of that (if it is at all). Plus the benefits are long term. See my previous post about examples of what you can do with your phone if its jailbroken.
Plus i would venture that most people would rather have sex throughout their lives and deal with the risk of an occasional STD than to be a lifelong virgin. Take a look at the human race for evidence.
pictures of short haircuts for women over 60

Apr 20, 07:39 AM
I hope they change the back of the phone. Prefer the 3G/3GS style :)

Nov 22, 01:32 AM
The problem with Palm is they are on their way out. They got what? Treo? How long can that last? PDAs are over. So it's all about the phones now.
They have to be worried. Apple has the midas touch. Whatever Apple get's into they change. Apple has a way of innovation that changes all of the dynamics. They weren't the first with the iPod, but their entrance into digital music has changed the whole music industry, not just digital music players.
Apple could very well do the same thing with an Apple branded phone. Integrating it into the whole computer experiance in ways we can't even predict. To claim it takes years to make a phone "right" is just proof that Palm has very little to offer.
The future of phone technology is going to change rapidly and dramically over the next few years. Apple can make billions of dollars in this market. They are going to go for it, and they will leverage their existing products to make it happen and to offer something new. Everyone is fixated on the iPod, but it's the integration with OS X that has the most interesting potential.
Video iChat on your phone? Internet services? Email? Address? Calendar? Have you used a Palm or Blackberry? They are OK for what they do, but they could be so much better...a lot better. What they are missing is exactly what Apple has to offer -- and it isn't music.
They have to be worried. Apple has the midas touch. Whatever Apple get's into they change. Apple has a way of innovation that changes all of the dynamics. They weren't the first with the iPod, but their entrance into digital music has changed the whole music industry, not just digital music players.
Apple could very well do the same thing with an Apple branded phone. Integrating it into the whole computer experiance in ways we can't even predict. To claim it takes years to make a phone "right" is just proof that Palm has very little to offer.
The future of phone technology is going to change rapidly and dramically over the next few years. Apple can make billions of dollars in this market. They are going to go for it, and they will leverage their existing products to make it happen and to offer something new. Everyone is fixated on the iPod, but it's the integration with OS X that has the most interesting potential.
Video iChat on your phone? Internet services? Email? Address? Calendar? Have you used a Palm or Blackberry? They are OK for what they do, but they could be so much better...a lot better. What they are missing is exactly what Apple has to offer -- and it isn't music.

Apr 20, 02:25 AM
I would like the same specs but 2x batt life.

Apr 15, 08:35 PM
I guess you just can't relate to us creative types.
What are you, an accountant?
Next time, I'll try to say in numbers so you can understand.
Hey, come on, I resent that, I'm a tax accountant. :p
But then again, judging by GE, we're a pretty creative bunch ourselves. ;)
What are you, an accountant?
Next time, I'll try to say in numbers so you can understand.
Hey, come on, I resent that, I'm a tax accountant. :p
But then again, judging by GE, we're a pretty creative bunch ourselves. ;)

Jan 4, 08:30 AM
Been using the TomTom car kit since Xmas ... very useful ... and i have no problems with rotation when hiting bumps :)
when window mount, there is a small slightly domed section that looks like it houses the GPS antennae (total guess); however, when i dash mount this section of mount faces down into the dash ... does anyone know where the antennae is? and whether dash mount negatively impacts the receiving signal?
There are numerous Youtube videos using the car kit, some that are dash mounted, and it seems to make no difference. I understand its more of a "line of sight" issue so as long as the mount is visible to the sky you're fine. I get mine by Fedex today and I'm mounting it to the dash so I'll let you know how it all works for me.
when window mount, there is a small slightly domed section that looks like it houses the GPS antennae (total guess); however, when i dash mount this section of mount faces down into the dash ... does anyone know where the antennae is? and whether dash mount negatively impacts the receiving signal?
There are numerous Youtube videos using the car kit, some that are dash mounted, and it seems to make no difference. I understand its more of a "line of sight" issue so as long as the mount is visible to the sky you're fine. I get mine by Fedex today and I'm mounting it to the dash so I'll let you know how it all works for me.

Apr 9, 07:38 PM
it has to be 288
48/2(9+3) by order of operations
How is this up for debate?
48/2(9+3) by order of operations
How is this up for debate?

Mar 28, 10:10 AM
Limited parts production "silver lining" in that polishing the underlying OS/Software is ALWAYS most welcome.

Nov 22, 08:10 AM
I can't believe your BlueAnt is working for you. Yes my phone is a 3Gs. I had other replies to an earlier post that indicated that Apple did not allow some of the BT technology to work on their phone.
I will try and "pair" again to iPhone and see if it works. I agree with you re hitting a button on the visor.
I've had no issues with the BluAnt at all. That said, Voice Control occasionally comes up with some pretty funny ways that it pronounces names, and you have to pronounce it that way if you want that particular name to come up.
I will try and "pair" again to iPhone and see if it works. I agree with you re hitting a button on the visor.
I've had no issues with the BluAnt at all. That said, Voice Control occasionally comes up with some pretty funny ways that it pronounces names, and you have to pronounce it that way if you want that particular name to come up.

Apr 18, 05:11 PM
The galaxy tab looks like a cheap knockoff of the 3G, look at the pics comparing them in the article. As I stated, at first look my mum thought the samsung was an iPhone. To the general public they look extremely similar, thus why this is happening.
Despite the design differences mentioned earlier and massive difference in size they're identical then?
What would you and Leguna have Samsung do to the Galaxy Tab to make it less "identical"?
Despite the design differences mentioned earlier and massive difference in size they're identical then?
What would you and Leguna have Samsung do to the Galaxy Tab to make it less "identical"?

Mar 29, 01:00 PM
Not enough for my collection.
And never felt like I had to download music at work and anywhere else.
Maybe I'm out of touch, but ...
I do like the idea of not having to back stuff up in case I lose it to a hard drive crash.
5gb ain't enough to cover my collection however.
And never felt like I had to download music at work and anywhere else.
Maybe I'm out of touch, but ...
I do like the idea of not having to back stuff up in case I lose it to a hard drive crash.
5gb ain't enough to cover my collection however.

Jul 21, 05:35 PM
Or for the mac zealots with absolutely no perspective and impossible expectations...both!
Hahaha, you said it! Some people are never satisfied:(
Hahaha, you said it! Some people are never satisfied:(

Mar 28, 11:58 AM
I don't understand people's expectation for an iPhone 5 in 2011. I bet Apple didn't make as much profit fitting in the retina display, 5MP camera and putting together that design compared to the 3G. Why dump a year old design? It would be uncharacteristic for Apple to kill it. I love the design and I'm sure it will stand the test of time.
Maybe an announcement of a 4S maybe with A5 chip etc on the side as a surprise? That'll cover the iPhone 4 White rumors and give Apple a chance to improve the antenna.
Maybe an announcement of a 4S maybe with A5 chip etc on the side as a surprise? That'll cover the iPhone 4 White rumors and give Apple a chance to improve the antenna.

Apr 7, 10:34 AM
Apple is one greedy corporation that just loves to attack.. typical of the coming corporate takeover of humanity.

Sep 16, 10:46 AM
Ok people, how's this? I ordered a 17" MBP on Sep 8. I upgraded the ram and hard drive. It was supposed to ship yesterday, the 15th.
I checked my order status today and the ship date has changed to October 2! I also received an e-mail from Apple stating that there were unexpected delays.
I held out hoping for a C2D but broke down and bought on the 8th. I was all excited that it was going to ship yesterday. I don't even care so much about a C2D, I just want my Mac. But here's hoping anyway.Congratulations! You have just provided a second independent source of unnatural delay proving Apple is already manufacturing Merom C2D MBPs and that 17" models will ship behind 15" models by a week Monday October 2.
I checked my order status today and the ship date has changed to October 2! I also received an e-mail from Apple stating that there were unexpected delays.
I held out hoping for a C2D but broke down and bought on the 8th. I was all excited that it was going to ship yesterday. I don't even care so much about a C2D, I just want my Mac. But here's hoping anyway.Congratulations! You have just provided a second independent source of unnatural delay proving Apple is already manufacturing Merom C2D MBPs and that 17" models will ship behind 15" models by a week Monday October 2.

Apr 25, 11:29 AM
(have not read all the posts, so forgive me if already pointed out)
Uh....the phone companies track you and know where you are....they have to so that you can get a signal from a cell why is this a big deal?
Uh....the phone companies track you and know where you are....they have to so that you can get a signal from a cell why is this a big deal?

Apr 5, 01:40 PM
Toyota is not obligated to do anything... BUT i doubt they want to burn any bridges with the most innovative and powerful tech company on the planet...
If I was Toyota, I'd be honored to get a call from Apple... surely anyone can make a jailbreak theme, but it takes being close with another company for them to be asked to take it down.
If I was Toyota, I'd be honored to get a call from Apple... surely anyone can make a jailbreak theme, but it takes being close with another company for them to be asked to take it down.

Mar 29, 04:09 PM
Yeah while talking about Japan's protectionism of their agricultural production really adds to the topic of discussion... cause everyone here who clicks on this thread via the main page wants to hear about Japan's agriculture.
Let's "evolve" the thread to encompass kamikaze pilots, kabuki theatre, zen Buddhism, sushi and whale hunting too...:rolleyes:
Well the beauty of this is that you don't make the rules. So if a topic changes and people want to talk about, simply disregard the comments.
Let's "evolve" the thread to encompass kamikaze pilots, kabuki theatre, zen Buddhism, sushi and whale hunting too...:rolleyes:
Well the beauty of this is that you don't make the rules. So if a topic changes and people want to talk about, simply disregard the comments.

Mar 29, 12:06 PM
I don't trust corporate clouds, especially with a service that Sony is clearly gunning for legally.
I suggest Subsonic. It streams music from your Mac or PC to your iPhone, Android phone, or Win7 phone. It also allows you to stream from another computer via a web browser. And it's free! Own your data, create your own cloud.
I suggest Subsonic. It streams music from your Mac or PC to your iPhone, Android phone, or Win7 phone. It also allows you to stream from another computer via a web browser. And it's free! Own your data, create your own cloud.

Aug 4, 08:30 AM
are people not expecting merom to go immediately into the macbook as well? i don't see a reason for apple to purposely gimp their best-selling notebook when a merom chip is supposed to cost the same as its yonah counterpart.
That same was when the Yonah was introduced, not now. That means that there would be a cost difference for APPLE.
Bill the TaxMan'
That same was when the Yonah was introduced, not now. That means that there would be a cost difference for APPLE.
Bill the TaxMan'
Apr 28, 02:51 PM
EDIT: found a pic that illustrates this:
Man, the MP is a beauty isn't it?
I can only hope they do half as well with the next case design.
Man, the MP is a beauty isn't it?
I can only hope they do half as well with the next case design.
Mar 28, 10:05 AM
It's the usual geek misconception of what a device needs. They are all about checklist items. And thus they are missing the fact that a major paradigm shift is occurring in this world where the far larger non-tech audience is now buying tech toys. This audience does not know much about specs, and cares even less. All they care about is cost (Apple is right there in phones), how their apps work (just great on the iPhone), choice of apps (no one has more choice than Apple), and what they have read or heard about (Apple is the advertising leader).
So geeks will continue to stamp their feet and pout about checklists that Apple is "failing" at. The rest of the world will keep happily using their amazing iPhones.
And you're missing the fact that it's the Geeks who write the apps that work on the iPhone.
If the geeks decide the larger customer base elsewhere is more enticing, then you'll start hemorraging developers. Same if the geeks decide that their new project is going to be aimed at more robust hardware.
In the end, it's all tied together. The specs are an important part of the device, even if the person buying it has no clue what they mean. Developers are Apple's main focus (or should be) as far as iOS goes, and some of the lay people here chanting on and on about paradigms seem to be ignoring it.
So? Do any of those phones have 1/10th the user experience of the iPhone? Who is standing in line for them? Do you question the speed of the electronics in your TV set? No because it does what it's supposed to do.
I was talking about Developers, not users. While you may not care your iPhone has a single core SoC, ChAir software might for their next game and decide to simply forgo releasing it on iOS. Again, we're at a tipping point right now, Android has gained fast and offers devices right now that outperform the iOS devices, which might put Apple on the back burner.
Especially considering that their user base, while not on a single handset, is right now bigger or close to being than iOS's.
From a developer's perspective, Android is looking good right now. If these trends continue, iOS won't be looking as good as it used to.
So geeks will continue to stamp their feet and pout about checklists that Apple is "failing" at. The rest of the world will keep happily using their amazing iPhones.
And you're missing the fact that it's the Geeks who write the apps that work on the iPhone.
If the geeks decide the larger customer base elsewhere is more enticing, then you'll start hemorraging developers. Same if the geeks decide that their new project is going to be aimed at more robust hardware.
In the end, it's all tied together. The specs are an important part of the device, even if the person buying it has no clue what they mean. Developers are Apple's main focus (or should be) as far as iOS goes, and some of the lay people here chanting on and on about paradigms seem to be ignoring it.
So? Do any of those phones have 1/10th the user experience of the iPhone? Who is standing in line for them? Do you question the speed of the electronics in your TV set? No because it does what it's supposed to do.
I was talking about Developers, not users. While you may not care your iPhone has a single core SoC, ChAir software might for their next game and decide to simply forgo releasing it on iOS. Again, we're at a tipping point right now, Android has gained fast and offers devices right now that outperform the iOS devices, which might put Apple on the back burner.
Especially considering that their user base, while not on a single handset, is right now bigger or close to being than iOS's.
From a developer's perspective, Android is looking good right now. If these trends continue, iOS won't be looking as good as it used to.
May 4, 03:35 PM
Copy it to a USB drive or disc. Why would you keep downloading it?
what makes you think that you can copy it to a USB drive or disc? I have disc for Tiger, Leopard, and Snow Leopard. None of those disc can be copied, some of them can only be used on their original machine (or the exact model). the past 3 OSes can't be copied, and so far there's nothing to suggest we can just make backup copies of Lion.
what makes you think that you can copy it to a USB drive or disc? I have disc for Tiger, Leopard, and Snow Leopard. None of those disc can be copied, some of them can only be used on their original machine (or the exact model). the past 3 OSes can't be copied, and so far there's nothing to suggest we can just make backup copies of Lion.
Apr 14, 07:04 PM
We had a president a few years back who strode into the oval on the declaration that he was going to dive in and slice away at the massive gobs of waste, fraud and abuse that was plaguing the government! We all know what happened to him (
So do you think the best idea is to just cut everybody equally?
To me that is mind-bogglingly simplistic.
We have to be intelligent enough to identify areas of need vs. those that are operating at a decent level of efficiency.
Here's an example ...
I work at a university that is undergoing cuts. But some departments actually make the university money. Does it make sense to cut departments that generate income as much as departments that don't? At least the people in charge here understand the difference and aren't applying "across the board cuts".
So do you think the best idea is to just cut everybody equally?
To me that is mind-bogglingly simplistic.
We have to be intelligent enough to identify areas of need vs. those that are operating at a decent level of efficiency.
Here's an example ...
I work at a university that is undergoing cuts. But some departments actually make the university money. Does it make sense to cut departments that generate income as much as departments that don't? At least the people in charge here understand the difference and aren't applying "across the board cuts".
Mar 30, 10:38 PM
I don't know why but my MBP 13 i7 2011 is showing "Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB graphics" on the About this mac screen on Display tab.:eek:
BTW I'm using an External Display.
BTW I'm using an External Display.
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